Minecraft VR Systemseller für die Oculus Rift?


Minecraft VR Systemseller für die Oculus Rift?

Letzte Woche noch hatte Facebooks Marc Zuckerberg Andeutungen gemacht, dass Minecraft seinen Weg auf die Rift finden könnte. Microsoft bestätigte in der Zwischenzeit auf dem Xbox Showcase eine VR-Version von Minecraft für die Oculus Rift für das Frühjahr 2016, zusätzlich zur bereits gezeigten HoloLens-Version.

PC World konnte eine Betaversion von Minecraft VR letzte Woche auf dem Xbox Showcase bereits auf der Rift testen und kommt zu folgendem Fazit:


Minecraft’s exploratory nature, however, feels particularly suited to the Rift headset. Aside from the odd minute or so of combat, you’ll probably be exploring your surroundings in a leisurely manner, rather than trying to keep an eye on dozens of enemies.

I say this because I did feel a real sense of vertigo when playing Minecraft on the Rift, especially when perched on a “glass” bridge high up in the Minecraft landscape. I say this as someone who has happily peered over the edge of both the Burj Khalifa and Taipei 101, and weathered the original Rift rollercoaster demo with no problems. Microsoft ran the demo on a PC, and Microsoft’s PR representatives specifically told me the framerate was locked at 90 frames per second, the minimum level for “good” VR that eliminates motion sickness.You may have a completely different experience, but it might be something to think about before buying a Rift.

That said, Microsoft did a marvelous job of curating a brief Minecraft experience. There may not have been anything new, but it was still a blast to traverse the small Minecraft level, bashing zombies, detonating dynamite, and riding redstone mine cars from space to space.

Facebook seems like it wants to push virtual reality as far as it will go. Minecraft seems to be a good first step.
Hands on: Minecraft for the Oculus Rift may be the best VR game to date | PCWorld

Könnte Minecraft VR der größte Systemseller für die Oculus Rift werden? Die 2,5 Mrd. Dollar Umsatz, die bisher mit Minecraft gemacht wurden, sprechen zumindest eine eindeutige Sprache bezüglich des kommerziellen Appeals.